Samstag, 15. August 2009

what if

what if i were air
nothing to speak about

what if i were sunlight
falling dimly onto cars rooftops

what if i were velocity
making your hair fly around your head

what if i were a scent of sea
humid and foggy touching your face

what if i were a drop of sweat
running down your belly during loves embrace

what if i were the sound of moving leaves
whispering amongst birds

what if i were people pushing against your arms
while walking the streets

what if i were the brownest eyes you´ve ever seen
looking at you through long dense lashes

what if i were a thought crossing your mind
during lunch break

what if i were a loose shoe lace that you´re playing with
waiting for you best friend

what if i were the new wallpaper
in your living room all yellow and red

would you smile at me?


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